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Apply NOW

Have you reviewed the approved programs?  Reflected on your goals and motivations for study abroad?  Narrowed your choices down to two or three options?  It's time to apply to your first choice program! 

Follow these steps to apply.  You may only apply to one program/term. 
  1. Search for your program.
  2. Click Apply Now on the program brochure page.
  3. Follow the instructions on StudioAbroad to complete the application.
  4. Third-Party or Direct-Enroll Applicants must also apply to the program provider or direct-enroll university. 

A complete Augustana study abroad application consists of the following:

  • Questionnaires, completed and submitted online.
  • Material Submissions, reviewed by the IPO.
  • Electronic Signature Documents, submitted online.
  • Learning Content, read and marked complete.
You will be guided throughout the application process via your StudioAbroad portal.  It is very important to check in frequently.